11 snacks under 100 calories

11 Snacks Under 100 Calories Each: Your Guide to Guilt-Free Munching

Hello, snack lovers! I know, I know, we all love to snack on something tasty in between meals.

But let’s face it, those sneaky little bites can add up, and before you know it, you’ve consumed an entire meal’s worth of calories from snacks alone.

Yikes! But don’t worry, I’ve got your back. Snacking doesn’t have to be a calorie bomb waiting to explode.

healthy snacks

Rather, it can be a great way to keep blood sugar levels steady and your stomach satiated. The trick is to choose the right snacks.

Prepared properly, snacks are kind of a secret weapon for maintaining energy levels throughout the day. It’s like giving your body little bursts of energy to keep it running smoothly. And it’s not just about satisfying hunger.

Eating small meals or snacks throughout the day can keep your blood sugar levels steady, which means you won’t have a drop in energy in the middle of the afternoon. Sounds great, right?

But here’s the catch. Not all snacks are created equal. Some contain a lot of sugar and fat and can easily exceed your daily calorie intake. That’s why it’s so important to choose your snacks wisely.

And that’s where I come in. Let’s start our snacking adventure with one of my personal favorite snacks – nuts!

Nuts: The Powerhouse of Nutrients

Almonds and pistachios, my friends, are like little nuggets of nutrient-rich gold.

Nuts as snacks

They’re high in fiber and protein, which means they keep your blood sugar levels steady and your stomach satiated.

And the best part? You can enjoy a handful (about 12-15 nuts) and stay under the 100-calorie limit. Just remember that they’re small but mighty, so watch your portion sizes.

Hard-boiled Egg: A Protein-packed Snack

Next up, we have the humble hard-boiled egg.

Eggs as snacks

I know what you’re thinking now. “Eggs? Really, Amanda?” But hear me out. Hard boiled eggs are like little protein powerhouses.

They’re low in fat, high in protein, and only about 78 calories each. Plus, they’re super easy to prepare and store.

Just cook up a batch at the beginning of the week, and you’ll have a ready-made snack whenever you need it.

Just remember to keep them in the fridge, we don’t want any unexpected surprises!

Hummus and Vegetables or Pita Bread: A High-Fiber Combo

Now let’s move on to a more exotic snack – hummus.

hummus snack

This creamy dip made from chickpeas and tahini (for the uninitiated, sesame paste) isn’t only delicious, but also contains plenty of protein and fiber.

And the best part? You can pair it with veggies or pita bread for a filling snack that’s less than 100 calories. Just stick to two tablespoons of hummus and a small piece of pita bread or a handful of carrot sticks or celery. I

It’s like a mini Mediterranean vacation in your mouth!

Low-fat Chocolate Pudding: A Sweet Treat

Now let’s talk about something sweet.

chocolate pudding snack

I know, I know, we’re supposed to be talking about healthy snacks, but who says healthy can’t be sweet?

Here comes low-fat chocolate pudding. It’s creamy, it’s chocolatey, and it’s good for your soul. Plus, the protein in dairy helps balance blood sugar levels.

Just make sure you choose a low-fat version to keep the calorie count in check. And remember, moderation is key. One pudding cup is a treat, two is dessert!

Popcorn: A Low-Calorie Crunch

And finally, for all you crunch lovers out there, let’s talk about popcorn.

popcorn as snacks

Air popped popcorn, to be exact. It’s light, crunchy, and surprisingly low in calories. Three cups of air popped popcorn only has about 90 calories.

Remember, this is air-popped popcorn, not the butter-soaked stuff you get at the movies. So grab your popcorn machine, make a batch of popcorn, and enjoy a guilt-free, crunchy snack.

Just remember to keep the butter and salt to a minimum. After all, we want to be healthy and not have a heart attack!

Tortilla French Fries: A Light and Crunchy Snack

The next item on our snack parade is tortilla French fries.

Tortilla French Fries

Now before you raise an eyebrow, let me clarify something.

I’m not talking about the deep-fried, salty French fries you can buy at the store. I’m talking about light, crispy, baked tortilla French fries.

You can enjoy about 15 bite-sized French fries and still have a few calories left over for a tablespoon of salsa. Now that’s what I call a fiesta in your mouth!

Blueberries: A Snack Packed with Antioxidants

Let’s shift gears and talk about something sweet and healthy – blueberries.

Blueberries as snacks

These little blue jewels are rich in antioxidants, which have a positive effect on overall health.

Plus, they’re low in calories. A whole cup of blueberries has only 75 calories.

So go ahead, treat yourself to a handful of these sweet, juicy berries. Your body will thank you for it!

Banana: A Portable and Nutritious Snack

Last but not least, I want to touch on one of my favorite on-the-go snacks – the banana.

Banana as a snack

They’re sweet, filling, and come in their own natural packaging. They’re also packed with important nutrients like potassium and vitamin B6.

A small to medium banana has about 100 calories, making it a perfect snack. Simply remember to choose bananas that are ripe but not too soft, and store them at room temperature.

And if you’re feeling adventurous, slice one up and add it to your cereal or yogurt for a tropical twist!

Watermelon: A Hydrating and Low-Calorie Snack

Let’s dive into something juicy and refreshing – watermelon.

watermelon as a snack

This favorite summer snack isn’t only delicious, but also a real hydrator thanks to its high water content. In addition, it has few calories.

You can enjoy half a watermelon and only consume about 50 calories. That’s what I call a guilt-free indulgence!

Kellogg’s Chocolately Drizzle Special K Bar: A Sweet and Crunchy Snack

For those days when you need something sweet and crunchy, reach for a Kellogg’s Chocolately Drizzle Special K Bar.

It’s sweet, it’s crunchy, and it’s only 90 calories. Plus, it’s low in fat and comes in a variety of flavors.

But remember that while these bars are a good option for a quick snack, they shouldn’t replace a whole food. So enjoy them in moderation.

Greek Yogurt and Berries: A Protein and Antioxidant Combo

Now let’s move on to a snack that is as nutritious as it’s delicious – Greek yogurt and berries.

Greek Yogurt and Berries

Greek yogurt is rich in proteins that make you feel full, and berries are rich in antioxidants. Together they make a snack that is less than 100 calories and very filling.

Just stick to a small portion of Greek yogurt and a handful of berries.

Apple Slices with Peanut Butter: A Sweet and Nutty Snack

Last but not least, here is my bonus and classic snack combination: apple slices with peanut butter.

Apple Slices with Peanut Butter

Apples are high in fiber, and peanut butter provides a dose of healthy fats and protein.

Together, they make a sweet, nutty snack with less than 100 calories. Just remember to limit yourself to one small apple and one tablespoon of peanut butter.

And there you have it folks! A list of delicious, nutritious, and low-calorie snacks that will keep you energized throughout the day.

Remember, the key to healthy snacks is planning ahead. So stock up on these snacks so you always have a healthy option on hand. And if you’re looking for more ways to make your meals healthier, don’t forget to check out our article on 9 Cooking Tips to Reduce Fat”. Happy snacking!

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